The Stoic Sage 3.0

A Realistic Goal of Moral (Bio)Enhancement Supporters?


  • Stefan Lorenz Sorgner John Cabot University



I propose to show that any direct moral bioenhancement procedures that could be realized within a relatively short period of time are not realistic options. This does not have to worry us, however, because alternative options for promoting morality are available. Consequently, moral bioenhancement is not an option for dealing successfully with the increased potential destructiveness of contemporary technologies within a short-term framework, i.e. within this century. In what follows, I will explain why this is the case, and why, contrary to Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu, I think this need not worry us too much. In section 1., I will critically analyze moral bioenhancement by means of citalopram, aimed at reducing the tendency to harm others directly. I give this prominence because it could be a practical option for altering human emotions and dispositions – to my mind, it seems the most promising practical option in this field. In later sections, I will consider other means of realizing moral bioenhancement, since the first option does not do the job it is supposed to, and because Persson and Savulescu are concerned with alternative approaches.




How to Cite

The Stoic Sage 3.0: A Realistic Goal of Moral (Bio)Enhancement Supporters?. (2016). Journal of Ethics and Emerging Technologies, 26(1), 83-93.