Gamification as a Persuasive Technology
Characteristics and Ethical Implications
gamification, ethics, persuasive technology, manipulationAbstract
The merger of game elements, persuasion and digital technology results in gamification, frequently used to change behaviors and attitudes. This use of game attributes in non-game contexts raises great interest among developers and academics. However, we must consider that, if technology cannot be neutral but it is always persuasive, playful technology is to a greater extent, since it is perceived as harmless, with the purpose of promoting mere entertainment, although actually it predisposes us to be more easily convinced through fun and a favorable mood. Certainly, technological artifacts are manifestly conditioned by their design, a persuasive design, as well as by the objectives and intentions of their designers. Particularly, the fact that gamification is designed to promote certain behaviors in its users leads us to ask ourselves: what is the real purpose of gamified projects? Is it persuasive or manipulative? Do they have ethical implications? In this paper we try to answer all these questions.
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